A team  combining flexibility, proximity, availability and responsiveness; capacity and skills to manage large construction sites, an expertise based on 15 years of stand-related experience.


Innovating solution


Why invest in stands without personality or attractiveness? Do you think your customers will resist for a long time when your rivals  will reveal  an image of modernity, dynamism and creativity? Keep in mind   that your stand is  the showcase of your company . Your new visitors will keep that image in mind . It will condition  their choice of companies .

There are  solutions and we have chosen one .


This answer will bring you :

- New image for your company
- Catchy and very  appealing
- Wide variety  of light display
- Easy installation
- Simplicity of the stands structure
- Reduced energy costs

Here are some examples:

Stand éclairé par LED Stand éclairé par LED
Stand éclairé par LED Stand éclairé par LED
Stand éclairé par LED Stand éclairé par LED
Stand éclairé par LED Stand éclairé par LED