A team  combining flexibility, proximity, availability and responsiveness; capacity and skills to manage large construction sites, an expertise based on 15 years of stand-related experience.



Stand éclairé par LED

A structure that combines flexibility, proximity, availability and responsiveness. All abilities and skills to manage large project. An experience  based on 15 years in the booth business:
            This is the key to your successful event
Fairs and congresses are essential showcases for the discovery, development and reputation of your company .....
Everyone take part as these are the places and times where you meet all the actors relevant to
your business
: suppliers , customers, financiers, writers, publishers, etc ...... But the presence is not enough, standing out positively is essential! We are at your side along  this process. The success of your event is our success


Our objectives
- Winning the trust of future clients and the loyalty of our existing customers
- Improve the competitiveness .... The benefit of our customers

Our means
- Listening to the client to provide "tailored projects".

- Transition from a technical and conceptual solution to a well rounded communication strategy

Our strengths:
- Reliability
- Responsiveness
- Competitiveness
- Innovation
- Services